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Prostitution Offenses

If you’re facing prostitution charges in Brazoria County, it’s best to have a seasoned criminal defense attorney on your side. At Tad Nelson & Associates, we understand the gravity of prostitution charges in addition to other sex crimes. We’re well aware of the impact that a conviction can have on your life.

These are felony offenses.

If you need our help, we will provide the defense you need to protect your freedom. To contact a criminal defense lawyer about fighting prostitution charges in Brazoria County, contact Tad Nelson & Associates today. We can be reached 24/7 at 281-280-0100.

We’ve fought for the rights of folks in Angleton, Houston, and Galveston for over 30 years. If you’re serious about defending your freedom, schedule your 100% free consultation with our legal team today.

Resource: Best Practices Following a Criminal Arrest in Texas

Changes in Texas Prostitution Laws

In September 2021, the State of Texas made significant changes to the Texas criminal code as it relates to prostitution. This significantly increased the penalties for those convicted of any form of prostitution-related crime.

Prior to these changes, a first offense for soliciting prostitution was a Class B Misdemeanor, punishable by up to 180 days in jail.

Today, however, the stakes are much higher.

Solicitation of prostitution is now classified as a State Jail Felony. This means even a first offense can land you in jail for up to two years and cost you a $10,000 fine. Subsequent offenses will lead to harsher charges such as 3rd & 2nd degree felony charges. Habitual prostitution offenders could see multi-decade prison sentences.

The Severity of Felony Prostitution Offenses

Prostitution convictions no longer come with a mere slap on the wrist as punishment. A conviction for any prostitution-related offense comes with severe consequences that can alter the course of your life.

A felony conviction can hurt your employment opportunities, housing options, and even your relationships. For this reason, understanding the law and potential defenses can serve you well.

Legal Defenses against Prostitution Charges

Lack of Intent

One of the key elements the prosecution must prove is intent. If you did not intend to engage in or solicit prostitution, you cannot be convicted of the charge. This defense often involves showing that your actions were misinterpreted. It may also mean you were unaware of the other party’s intentions.


Entrapment occurs when law enforcement induces someone to commit a crime they would not have otherwise committed. If police officers coerced you to engage in a prostitution offense, this could be a viable defense. The defense strategy requires demonstrating that the crime originated in the minds of law enforcement as opposed to yours.

Insufficient Evidence

The prosecution must provide convincing evidence to secure a conviction. If the evidence against you is weak or circumstantial, it may not be sufficient to prove your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Challenging the evidence can sometimes lead to a reduction of charges. In most cases, a dismissal.

Enhancements and Aggravating Factors

Texas law allows for certain enhancements resulting from aggravating factors that can increase the penalties for prostitution offenses. For instance, if the offense occurred in a school zone or involved a minor, the severity of the charges is significantly harsher.

Consent and Coercion Cases

In prostitution cases, the issue of coercion often arises. If you were forced into prostitution, this can be a powerful defense. Victims of human trafficking, for example, may be eligible for alternative legal remedies that focus on rehabilitation rather than punishment.

Resource: Sex Crimes Defense: Protecting Your Rights

The Importance of Experienced Legal Representation

Prostitution charges are a serious matter. Remember, these are felony offenses.

Having experienced legal representation on your side is paramount. At Tad Nelson & Associates, we deeply understand Texas law & acceptable defenses. We also have a proven track record of successfully defending our clients against these and other sex crime charges.

Texas criminal law attorneys Tad Nelson and Amber Spurlock bring a wealth of experience to the fight for your rights. We’re known for demonstrating a commitment to providing the best possible defense for our clients.

Facing Prostitution Charges in Brazoria County?

Contact Tad Nelson & Associates

If you’re facing prostitution charges in Angleton, Brazoria or elsewhere in Greater Houston, don’t wait. Contact us today to schedule your 100% free & confidential consultation. We’ll review your case, legal options, and begin crafting a defense strategy tailored to your situation.

To get started, call us at 281-280-0100 to speak with one of the highly experienced sex crime attorneys on our team. Remember, the sooner you act, the better your chances of achieving a favorable outcome.

Attorney Tad Nelson is Board Certified® in Criminal Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.

Updated: Jun 24, 2024 @ 7:55 am


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